Why oh why haven´t I done this earlier? What made me forget about the fact that I have a blog where I can publish the winning stories of the August
competition on EnglishBrno´s
fanpage? Maybe it´s the month of August - the most inactive month of the year (at least in Brno it is!), or the fact that my baby had her 1st birthday and I temporarily lost the ability to multitask? Who knows, the most important thing is that I found it in September and I´m back! It must be the beginning of a new school year, right?
Anyways, enough of blah blah, here are the three stories written by fans of EnglishBrno who received most votes from others.
Vicky wrote:

"Well, I have to admit that at first I was a bit reserved and did not add many friends to my profile..but just a month ago something happened that changed the course of events...I joined a group called "I love English" and had the chance to conversate with many interesting people. Untill today we talk to each other and share our interests, jokes and worries!"
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Naila wrote:

en I first saw an article about the competition on page EnglishBrno first answer to the question "Which one of my friends in facebook most interesting to me?" was a Turkish guy Salih Cinar. First time when he wrote, I thought, "surely one of those guys who want to get acquainted with a girl for an ...empty, meaningless speech" to which I have absolutely
no time or desire. But when he asked in one of the first questions "Do you
love turkic rock?" I was surprised."
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Hassanine wrote about me (blushing:)))

"Among the interesting friends , the name of “Nina Hanakova” write itself . She is a woman from Czech Republic , she is teaching English language . I met her on English Brno. From the first time, she seems serious and vivacious , she started asking me some questions if I’m active and eager to improve my English. We talked few times using fb and Skype. She was advising me all the time , I used to get inspiration from her wise words . Now we are a close friends . And our friendship will be stronger by the time."
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And the prizes? Well here is Vicky in a
video with her prize she won. Congrats again to all the winners! Keep playing, I am having fun! Are you?
Yours, Nina
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