
by Nina


How do I teach online?

Posted by Nina Hanakova |


Many people have started asking me about teaching online. From September on I have several openings for highly motivated individuals on intermediate + levels who cannot take offline lessons with me because they don’t live in Brno, CZ. 

Should you be one of them, please, send me an email at nina.englishbrno@gmail.com and we’ll set up a free Skype lesson to see if we are the right match.

Students prepay time with me via Paypal and I offer them two different ways of being in touch with me professionally, via Skype (paid), email and FB (free):

1st option: regular 45 or 75min lessons once or twice a week which include managing the student´s studies from A-Z, including free email and FB communication 24/7 (you can be added to my friends list and we can work from there on different ways of free help); there are different packages based on the number of lessons, starting at 25USD/45min.

2nd option: one time consultation package to start you off on your way to self-studying the modern way - without coursebooks - where I offer my professional guidance; it includes thorough language assessment and suggestions of methods/materials/time management to use, we´d meet twice via Skype for 60-90min each time

You can combine these options. 

Every interested student is offered a free 20-min Skype chat/call which can be arranged upon request and where I´ll be happy to answer any of your questions. 

Looking forward to helping you!



Anonymous said...

AMAzing Nina!
I wish I could learn with you throughout my life. You have uploaded a fabulous clip, offering your amazing teaching offer.

I would love to talk to you on line. Therefore I am giving my skype id to you: ahsanahsan720
I do hope and believe we will see you there very soon.

Anonymous said...

Abych prořízl hluk a pomohl vám zajistit financování vašich obchodních a osobních půjček, doporučím pana Benjamina Leeho pro obchodní a osobní půjčky.
Laskavě pošlete e -mail na adresu: 247Officedept@gmail.com

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